The purpose of this Microsoft Access based program is: Point of Sale Inventory Control PSIC ©: For: Small to Medium size retail store(s) that are like a "Bicycle"store that has 2 to 10 thousand Products in stock, collects Customer's names and information, sells products that have serial numbers, accounts for "Orders" by employee. The current system is designed for up to three (3) locations. If you want to add more, then add more" \WAnn" Directories, ( where nn is a number e.g. WA00 for work site with work areas 01 through 09) Those directories are the place to store the Tables (PSICtbls.mdb) that are added to, or changed, at each store's site. At the "Close out" time the file is renamed PSICWAnn.mdb, compacted, and put in to the \SENDFILE directory. You then transfer that file to the MASTER site's PSIC\WAnn directory use a modem (via. RAS) or some other means. Two ways to get setup 1) Use the Batch file that you will see in the directory that you found this file in. You should see the following files README.TXT this file! NOTE: Copy YOUR PKUNZIP.EXE to the directory the Install.bat file is in Because, Install.bat does not know where to find your copy of PKUNZIP.EXE or edit the Install.bat flie to locate the PKUNZIP.EXE for the commands in the batch file. Install.BAT in Windows file manager, double click it (after doing the above) will expand to give you all files to setup PSIC see below All of the above may be deleted after you "setup" using the SETUP.EXE in DISK1 directory 2) Make a new directory \PSIC Move the PSIC.ZIP file there TO UNZIP the USE THE COMMAND: PKUNZIP -d PSIC.ZIP the -d restores the directory structure e.g. DISK1 DISK2 etc. Please Print the file AGREEMENT.DOC Sign and return to the Address provided. After Unzipping, you may copy the CONTENTS of the directories; DISK1 DISK2 etc. to 3 1/2 High density (1.44 MB) floppies. Do NOT copy the Directory name e.g. DISK1 Those disks can be used to install or re-install the PSIC © program, using the normal WIndows a:\setup scheme starting with DISK1 in drive A: To SETUP the PSIC © program from the Hard Disk Drive, run SETUP.EXE located in Directory \PSIC\ DISK1 After the Setup has completed, and you have copied the directories, you may REMOVE the five (5) Directories; DISK1 DISK2 DISK3 DISK4 DISK5